Who would have thought? Here I am setting up a blog for yet another self-imposed challenge...2 years in Cambodia. This darn computer! See where "google" can get you. It all started with an internet search on "humanitarian volunteering" which led me to Cuso International where there was a placement in Cusco, Peru. Okay, so that isn't anywhere near Cambodia right? Well, I did apply, the job had been filled, and one day I got an email saying I had been short-listed for a placement in Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia. Deciding to accept the placement was an exercise in my newly acquired philosophy of embracing what comes my way. I can assure you that it was a lot more difficult than it sounds. Me, letting go, and going with the flow? Well, let's just say that I'm trying it out.
I've now got my motorcycle license (a requirement for the placement), can say about 6 phrases in Khmer, have completed my training, and am stepping into the community awareness and fundraising stage. Life is just so unpredictable. One minute you're just checking things out on the computer and the next you're wondering how you'll survive the monsoons, flooding, humidity, dengue fever, and chaos on the roads as an inexperienced "biker"! Oh ya...and snakes, tarantulas (sorry Jesse but they eat them there), and who knows what else! Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis vaccines, and Malaria prophalaxis...hhmm. Sure sounds like quite the experience don't you think? You will just have to stay tuned to find out how things are going.
I'm hoping you will follow me on this journey. Two years is a long, long, long time and without a doubt I will have ups and downs. From previous experience, I know how much staying in touch means. Hearing from friends, family, and my community back home will always be a highlight. I look forward to hearing from you and getting your news. Please don't be shy!
...and stay tuned!!!
Just thought I would add a link to my fundraising site...just in case.